Robotic Surgery


Pancreatic surgery, complex biliary surgery, and hernia surgery are procedures used in treating conditions affecting these vital organs. These surgical procedures vary in complexity depending on the extent of the disease process. Robotic surgery is a newer surgery technique used in these procedures. New medical technology has enabled minimally invasive robotic surgery for use in pancreatic, complex biliary, and hernia surgeries. The surgeon uses a robotic arm with a camera and surgical equipment to get to the diseased tissue without the need for open cuts, but through several small incisions. When technically practical, minimally invasive repair (robotic) is preferred because of the reduced rate of complications after surgery, faster recovery, less pain, and returning to work earlier. It is more accurate, less traumatic, and allows faster healing.

Dr. Joshua S. Tierney is a qualified and experienced surgeon whose surgery clinic is well equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment for robotic surgery. Among the complex surgical procedures that the clinic performs include:

Colon and Rectal Surgery

The colon and rectum are tasked with the removal of solid waste from the digestive tract. These organs are susceptible to several diseases among them colon polyps, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's disease, and colorectal cancer.

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Colon polyps and colorectal cancer are successfully treated using surgery. Robotic colon and rectal surgery is a minimally invasive procedure offered in situations where robotic surgeons determine the safety and benefits for patients. Like any other minimally invasive method, robotic colon and rectal surgery depend on small incisions that can minimize the rates of complications compared to open surgery or large incision. These complex procedures historically required open surgery. However, currently minimally invasive techniques involving robotic technologies have made these procedures easier, faster, and less physically traumatic to the patient. Dr. Tierney performs all colorectal surgeries using robotic technology because it allows for smaller incisions, complex cases to be performed in a less invasive fashion, and lowers the rate of conversion to an open procedure. The robot enables finer rectum dissections, considering how tight the space of their location is. Robotic colorectal surgery is a treatment option recommended for colon cancer, rectal cancer, diverticulitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Robotic colon and rectal surgery offer various benefits over laparoscopy. It is often preferred because of the reduced rate of complications after surgery, faster recovery, less pain, and returning to work earlier. Minimally invasive robotic surgery achieves high success levels in treating these conditions because it is more accurate and able to access these organs considering their location.

Complex Biliary Surgery

The biliary tree consisting of the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts is essential to the body's digestive and metabolic functions. These enzymes are involved in converting food into energy.

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These organs can be affected by several disorders including gallstones and liver cancer.gans can be afflicted by several ailments including gallstones and liver cancer. Biliary surgery is perhaps the most complex surgical procedure since it involves more than one organ; liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. Once these organs are dissected, the surgeon must reconnect the remaining organs to have a semblance of normal functioning. When technically practical, minimally invasive duct repair (robotic) is preferred because of the reduced rate of complications after surgery, faster recovery, less pain, and returning to work earlier. Robotic complex biliary surgery enables highly precise dissecting of the bile ducts, hepatic artery, and portal vein. Robotic surgery makes it possible to delicately suture the bile ducts and avoid fistula or leaks after surgery.. However, robotic surgery enables the surgeon to do this more accurately and with less need for making big incisions, which gives the patient greater chances of healing successfully. Compared to the traditional laparoscopic technique, robotic complex biliary surgery is known for resulting in better outcomes

Hernia Surgery

A hernia occurs when tissue pushes through muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Abdominal hernias are the most common, but they can also occur in the inner groin and upper thigh regions. This can happen because of weakness in the tissue wall which allows the inner tissue to push through.

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Hernias are surgically treated by mending the torn section and reinforcing it with mesh. Robotic hernia surgery is a relatively new technique used to treat smaller hernias and rebuild the abdominal wall. Laparoscopic surgery requires a surgeon to hold the instruments, while robotic surgery features tools that a robot operates. Robotic surgery, like other laparoscopic surgeries, consists of using a laparoscope, small incisions, a small camera, inflating the abdomen, and projection of the inside part of the abdomen to video screens. During robotic surgery, the surgeon sits at the console inside the operating room to manipulate the tiny surgical instruments. This procedure is essential for reducing pain after the operation and aids faster recovery by using small incisions. In comparison to open hernia repair, robotic hernia surgery results in less pain post-surgery, fewer complications like infected wounds, shorter hospital stays, reduced recovery times, faster return to work regular activities.

Gallbladder Surgery

Enlarged gallstones can cause severe pain and inflammation of the gallbladder. This necessitates removal of the gallbladder in a procedure called a cholecystectomy. Robotic gallbladder surgery has less blood loss and pain, minimal scars, and faster recovery.

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Robotic gallbladder surgery is very similar to the laparoscopic approach, and is preferred because of the reduced rate of complications after surgery, faster recovery, less pain, and returning to work earlier. This surgery is also performed through the insertion of a small video camera into incision inside the abdomen. Small surgical tools are passed through four tiny incisions for a magnified 3D look inside the abdomen to take out the gallbladder. People undergoing robotic gallbladder surgery can expect to go back to work within a few days.

Pancreatic Surgery

The pancreas is a vital organ whose main role is to secrete insulin, the enzyme that regulates blood sugar. This organ can become diseased with ailments such as chronic pancreatitis, cystic tumors, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and neuroendocrine tumors.

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Pancreatic surgery is often the best route to treating these diseases. But the location and complexity of the pancreas make pancreatic surgery one of the more complex surgeries to perform. The robotic pancreatic surgeon recommends robotic surgery to reach the diseased part of the pancreas easier and do more accurate operations. Thanks to robotic pancreatic surgery technology, surgical oncologists today can perform surgical operations easily and accurately.

Anti-reflux Surgery

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows up the esophagus( food pipe), causing a burning sensation in the lower chest area (heartburn). Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is diagnosed when this occurs more than twice a week.

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This condition can be treated through (Nissen fundoplication), a minimally invasive surgical procedure, where the surgeon creates an effective valve mechanism at the bottom of the esophagus to prevent reflux. The development of anti-reflux surgery from open to a minimal invasive laparoscopic approach has resulted in reduced postoperative pain and shorter procedure-related length of stay without compromising patient satisfaction. The transition to surgical treatment using robotic surgery techniques allows for superior visualization by integrating 3D visualization, enhanced dexterity by increasing maneuverability of applied instruments and greater precision as compared to traditional laparoscopic procedures.